Saturday, August 18, 2012

College, Welcome to hell!

College. In high school we were so excited. Even enthusiastic for the time of college. We just knew we were gonna get here and we were gonna party, have a good time, finally be grown, and do what we wanted to do without our parents breathing down our throats. We'll here's a reality check.
                  COLLEGE IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!!!
You cannot base what you think college is like, or even what you think it should be like based off of what you see on t.v. or in movies. etc... Also a word of advice. Do not choose to attend a college in which you have not thouroughly toured, and done your research on, as well as ask around, and ask people who recently attended their opinion on the school, because i promise you, you will be in the same boat as me. Miserable, Unhappy, and ready to transfer after two weeks. I admit that i made a huge mistake. Choosing a school that i had never visited, thouroughly researched, and none of my friends were attending either. It's always best to attend a school that at least one or two of your friends are attending as well. That way your not completely alone. Its good to meet new people and make friends but at the same time it's good to have someone there who already knows you and you already know them.
Also choose a school that has some GOOD local attractions. Not a school in the middle of no where with nothing to do nor anywhere to go. Because being cooped up in your dorm room is not ideal at all. Or at least in my opinion it's not. So try to be social, go out, make friends, and have a good time, but not too good of a time. But you want to go somewhere where there's something that you'll enjoy doing. So if your a house party type person then a school in the middle of nowhere might be for you because they're going to party, but location says alot. And if you're the type who preferes being on the town and going to clubs then you should probably look for a school in the city.
Also if your the type of person who is always up under your parents and you have seperation anxiety type issues then you definantly shouldn't go to school far away from home. Because i can garuntee that you will be sitting in your room crying for your mommy. So spare yourself and dont do it. And being close to home isn't all bad. Free laundry, free home cooked meals, and you have the privelage of going home when you need to get away from your roommate, Being present for family functions, and you get to see your mommy whenever you feel like it. That's ideal to me, but me and my mother are basically attatched at the hip.
So if you're not ready to be on your own, and do everything for yourself i highly recommend that you consider all of these things before choosing a school. Or else you could end up like me.
I currently am attending Valdosta State University. Academically it's a great school. It has small class sizes and most of the academic buildings are located close together on main campus which is where all freshmen housing is. So it's a short 2-3 minute walk from your room to your class. The campus is beautiful. The spanish style architecture is really nice with palm trees everywhere, it makes you feel like you already on vacation *conviently the school is a hour and a half from panama city beah fl.* Now here's the downfall. It is HOT. Like close to hell HOT! *although in my opinion this is hell.* The food isn't too hot. at all. It looks good, but lacks seasoning and taste. The chick-fil-a here on main campus is a chick-fil-a express, therefore they only have 5 choices. WHAT THE F***!!!! The dinning halls close SUPER early on friday's and saturdays. There's one nice hall for freshman. Georgia hall. any other hall is garbage. Their old and in desperate need of remodeling. Now for the personal down falls. I'm 4 and a half hours away from home. At first it was ideal. I could get as far as i possibly could away from my dad without going out of the state. I was here for about two days and was automatically home sick. I also came down here on a whim that i needed a new start. And came down here solo. all of my friends went to different schools. So not only was i home sick but i was lonely. Also My roommate... I'm sure you've all heard the stories of bad roommates... well... lucky me i got a bad one. And if your curious about the activities of my retarded roommate check my twitter. (@Blueskadooskie) So i miss not being able to go home when i feel like it, being down here in the middle of nowhere and being stranded on campus because i didn't bring a car down here. Then i'm lonely and unhappy with my room and roomate. Therefore due to the intense unahappiness and distraughtness that i feel im transfering. Hopefully next semester... but if my dad has his way i'll be here the whole year. But as they say "I'm grown now" so i can make my own decisions. And i shall. But look into everything i said when choosing a school... and seriously take those things into consideration because your happiness is at stake.