Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fun: We are YOUNG!

"Tonight we are young, so lets set the world on fire, and we can burn brighter than the sun!" The lyrics are awesome! This song is on every freakin commercial! It's literally everywhere! SO here's the video. *btw i had no clue Janelle Monae' was in this song? Even though it's like all of 30 Seconds...*


Time for another P.E.T.R. a.k.a. please excuse the rant. What could i possibly be ranting about now? we'll let me tell you. I Positively hate alot of things. And alot of these things just so happened to piss me off all at once. So let me throw it at y'all.

1. I hate people who feel inferior to you. Usually it's the exact opposite. It's usually I hate people who think they're better than me, but this time it's i hate people who think that I think that i'm better than them. Lets squash this right now. I dont think that I am better than anyone. Honestly yes, i may be better looking than a few, but other than that, that's it. I dont think i'm better than anyone. I'm not i'm not smarter, prettier, thinner, sexier, richer, nor talented-er that anyone. So I dont understand why anyone would give me the stank face when i've done nothing.

2. I hate people that want to judge you because of who you may like. If you like someone that may not be the most attractive or most popular are you just supposed to ignore your feelings because of what other people think? No! If you like them it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. Infact, Fuck what everybody else thinks and do you boo. Go for it.

3. I hate high school. Especially ratchet highschools that don't believe in buying toilet paper and soap for students. then wonder why there's random std outbreaks. *staleface* C'mon now. How hard is it to purchase soap, paper towels, and toilet paper? and if we should just so happen to have some how hard is it for the janitors to put it in the bathrooms? I mean what else is it they're doing all day since they're clearly not doing their job.

4. I hate prom. I hate everything about it. I was excited about it, but now i'm just over it. x10. This whole having a date, and dress, and hair, nails, transportation, after plans etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, bull shit. Sick. Whenever the word prom comes up i'm just like *VOMIT'S EVERYWHERE!*  sick of it.

But thanks for your time. lol.

Friday, March 23, 2012

We LOVE: Spoken Reasons!

Yes! Yes we do! if you have never seen this guy's youtube channel  then  you are missing out! Because this guy is hilarious!!!! Check him out!

Imperfect Timing

There's a famous quote that says "There is a time and a place for everything." This has never been more true. In our lives we have so much going on that certain events occur at the worst times. For instance your grieving a family member, and then your phone gets stolen. Imperfect timing. It's as if bad things just continue to happen back, to back, to back. Or there's the imperfect timing when all of your friends are going out, but your grounded or have a boat load of homework. Imperfect timing. Or your Imperfect timing could be that someone special comes into your life, at a bad time. Now that's imperfect timing. For instance, Your mom has a baby, but your going to college in two months. Imperfect Timing. Or, You just broke up with your ex, a few weeks ago and some other guy comes around but unfortunantly your not ready for a relationship at the time. Which is understandable because you need to have yourself together in order to be with someone else. And you cant do that if your still fawning over your ex. But at some point you do need to move on and not hold onto that... Because if you do, you'll never move on. Which is unfair to that poor guy that likes you. Especially when this new guy is already better than your ex. But you cant control when things happen. Sometimes you just have to accept it and keep it moving. There's also another quote that i heard once it said that life is 25% of what happens to you and 75% of how you react to it. Which is true. Things happen and we spend the rest of our time dealing with these things. That boys and girls is called Cause and effect. Reacting to what happens. And as inelligent beings we have the option of choosing how we react to things. We can make it out to be, good, bad, or tragic. That's all up to us. How we react to a situation also in return has it's own cause and effect. For example the whole you just broke up, and you meet a new guy shortly after situation. After you meet this guy you have to react to it and choose what will happen next. Your main options are to A.) be nice, and keep it casual, just being friends. B.)Take it to the next level and begin "talking" to him because you like the attention, and dont want to be alone, or C.) Completely shut him down and cut off communication because your not ready to even be social with another male right now. Reasonably option A sounds the best to me. It just seems decent. But The point is that you can choose how it goes and what happens. It's all about how you react to the situation, despite the Imperfect timing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Heir to the "Throne"

Yes, it's a little late but The toKing and Queen have finally produced an heir. Beyonce And rapper Jay-Z finally gave birth to baby "Blue Ivy Carter" a.k.a. BIC. This much disputed pregnancy was a news phenomenon. Their was even dispute and controversy as of to if Beyonce was even pregnant. Many people claimed that she was faking her pregnancy, and secretly hired a serogate mother. Either way the baby now belongs to Beyonce, she's the mother and Jay-z is the father. Point blank. And with two of the most powerful parents baby BIC sits higher than any other baby out there. She's also the cutest celebrity baby thats been born in a while i might add...
 Isn't she precious? Although her name is a bit... odd... stupid... strange. I'm sure it'll eventually grown on her. But she's one lucky baby right? Shoot. I wish my name was Blue Ivy and I had it made like that... But unfortunantly i'm not. I'm sure america is gonna love watching her grow, and mobbing the poor childs privacy... but here are more pics of baby BIC... and if you ask me it's so strange how as a infant she literally looks identical to Beyonce. You can see it with the shape of her eyes, nose and mouth. It's as if Jay-z had nothing to do with the process.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring!

Today on March 20th it is the first day of spring! Yay! *Bees, pollen, wasp, and heat, oh joy.* But yes boys and girls were no longer in winter... And if you live in Georgia, you never really were in winter. We kind of just skipped that season all together. Lol. But just like the season changed, it's time to make some changes in our lives as well. SPRING CLEANING people! Thats what i'm talking about. Clean your home, Clean out your social life, and academic life, it's time to get it right. Some people you said you were gonna get rid of as your new years resolution, and you still aint got rid of them. Here's your second chance to let 'em go. Behind on your school work, now's the time to catch up. Especially since It's about time for midterms and finals. And clean your home. You know your room's a mess, dust covering all the furniture. Yeah you know what i'm talking about. Clean it up! lol. And not only is it the first day of spring, but spring break is coming up too! *woot woot* Sooo... somewhat yay spring!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Rockdale's Beginners Guitar

So at Rockdale during 8th period there's a beginners guitar class. Tragically the beginners are still beginners because this is how they spend their class time. Tragically. I'm in this class and i just thought I'd share this with you all. #Senioryear smh.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mind your business, that's all, just mind your business!

Judgemental ass people. I have had enough of. It's ridiculous. We as people are too much. Why is it that we feel the need to involve ourselves in everyone elses business and what they got going. Knowing good and well it dont have nothing to do with us. Worry about you. Dont worry about what everybody else doing. Worry about yourself and improve your own shit before you decide to go and medle in other people's business! I also dont think that someone's personal life is anybody elses business. Unless you just decide to make it everyone elses business and broadcast that shit to the world. Which in return is your own fault. So dont be mad about that. But still. If you feel a certain way about someone *like a crush* then it's not everyone elses business to know. Only yours. You dont have to tell anybody, and if you and your crush do start to hit it off it's not anybody's business to ask you 5 million questions about it. Thats what kills me the most. Is that people are so judgemental when it comes to who your dating. like shut the fuck up. Let people do what they do. If they like someone fine. If that's who you like, then thats who you like. It's so shallow to like somebody just because of how they look. *And from my own personal experience the cute guys are usually the cocky assholes, and the ugly guys are the more understanding sweet guys. I'm just saying* Like lets be real. Looks dont last forever. But your personality, morals, and who you are will be there forever.  So think about that the next time you turn down a guy because your afraid of what people will say about you. Who cares what other people will say? Do what makes you happy. Even if that happiness is found in someone the same sex as you. Dont deny yourself the happiness you deserve for stupid shit. And as you can see this topic has me a lil "Hot." It's just sad that we would let ourselves get to this point where everything is based off of looks. Ridiculous. But like i said. Do what makes you happy. And dont let other people influence your happiness. If they dont approve who gives a shit? it's your life! So live it.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Say YES to the dress!

After weeks of searching i have finally found the one. That one dress that i so dearly love... And is absolutely amazing. Funniest thing is it was the dress in one of my previous blogs. funny. but i went to a dress shop saw it on the manican and had to try it on. when i did i just knew that was the dress. and here it is! on a scale of 1-10 i'm a 12! i love this dress! I'm so happy. lol I just hope that the rest of you can find happiness in your dress as well.

And here's what it looks like on....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Search for the one!

This despite what you may think is not a blog about love, guys, and the shit they do. This one is about Prom! lol. So with prom season upon us, the search for the perfect dress has officially begun. And lets be honest this is harder than looking for waldo. With so many dresses, so many stores and such little budget it's difficult to find the perfect one. Trust me i'm well aware. Finding the perfect prom dress is like going on a great adventure and instead of finding the gold at the end, you find the perfect prom dress. Which is better than gold if you ask me... But to somewhat maybe ease your minds, i've been searching online, and here's whats happening...  This is just in my opinion a couple of things that caught my eye. But they're price tag may make you want to look the other way. All of theese dresses can  be found online at {www.cinderellascloset.com} which is located in atlanta. So good luck with this search!