Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The "Basic"

Ok... so for those of us that wont be ordering a crazy homecoming dress and are stuck buying a basic factory dress i tried to find the cream of the crop looking for dresses from Dillards, Macy's, Davids Bridal, And A couple of other stores that can be found in you local mall. These are dresses that are affordable and wont break the bank. I only hope no one else has the same dress as you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Give me 2 seconds...

Sometimes i can feel myself loosing. I can feel it before it happens. Just as i can tell you that morning that im going to break down later that day because there's a entire process that gets me to that point where i just let it all go. I feel the need to cry helplessly. I want to be alone, and unbothered. I need time to recollect myself and realize exactly what is happening, and how can I solve it on my own. When your the type to keep things in everyone is forever on your case to tell them whats wrong. Then when you do you always give them the edited version. Leaving out half of a story, and other details that you still feel the need to keep to yourself. All of the important things you keep to yourself. Afraid to share because of judgement, and criticism. Everyday is a struggle when you have so many things that have you pinned against the wall. Each issue more pressing than the next. When your torn between your social, school, and home life it's like what can you honestly do? Do what i do. Take whats thrown at you and suffer in silence. Keep it all bottled up until you loose control.
But the saddest part is I know i'm going to at some point break down and loose it, but it's the fact that I want to breakdown in a certain someone's arms that make it worse. Especially when it's someone I know I never can. How do you deal with that? How can you continue suffering alone? How can you continue to love someone that will never love you back? Someone that may acknowledge your existance but will never acknowledge your feelings. Your just there. Someone they know. Someone they've seen before. A face amongst others that mean nothing. Then throwing yourself at him only makes him see you as desperation. Someone that's pitiful. And easy. And that's not who anyone wants to be. As i stated, you take it and you suffer in silence. You keep hoping, dreaming and wishing. You live inside those dreams. Live the life you wish you had, until the dreams become so realistic you begin to believe them. That's the point of insanity. And that's the point im headed towards.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Theme Music!

Be sure to check the songs of the week! *now called theme music*

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lesson Learned

It's sad that one guy can mess up a girl for every guy who ever comes along. All it takes is one heartbreak to screw up a girl. After that first heartbreak we become guarded of our hearts. Never foolishly placing it into the hands of some irresponsible boy who doesnt have the means to care for it. We quickly formulate in our minds that Every guy is the same. And though many try to claim that this theory is incorrect and judgemental, those are the ones to quickly prove the theory right.
Guys... They screw up. That's what they do. And we as women forgive them. For whatever reason. Especially when they screw up big time. Guys cheat, lie, decieve, and hurt. Then after all of that we forgive them as though they did nothing wrong. *waves red flag* THIS IS A PROBLEM! If we continue to forgive they will continue to fuck up knowing that they already have forgiveness. No! That's a negative. Forgiveness for like a little white lie is ok, but cheating: Unforgivable. How can you have the nerve to be all up in one girls face telling her how much you love her, and how she's the one for you and you'll never do her wrong and never leave her. Then you go to another girl and tell her the same thing? NO! Thats not ok in any way! Would you like it if your girl was cheating on you? Probally not. You'd probally be ready to break up with her two seconds after you found out. Now how do you think we feel?
Then this whole debate that all guys aren't the same that there are some good ones out in the world. We'll where are they because I have yet to come across one. They're all the same. Point. Blank. Period. There is no such thing as a good guy that wants to do right by somebody. That wants to be a one woman man, and actually be in it because they want to and not because they want something. My mom always would tell me that "boys are only after one thing and it's not your mind." This is true. That's all they really want & some of them are so desperate to get it they'll do whatever it takes to get it. They'll sweet talk you, be in a relationship with you and make you feel like they really love you. Then once you give it up thats it. They're done with you. On to the next. My personal favorite quote: "Niggas aint shit, and they aint gone ever be shit"
But there is hope. Very little but some non the less. Maybe somewhere out there there is. Maybe somewhere they exist. And if someone should find them they should not be selfish and share.
Bitterness. Bitterness is the after affects of being hurt badly multiple times. We become, angry and rude and soon no longer give a fuck about any male species. *with the exception of some family members.*

Friday, August 19, 2011

To whom it may concern...

To Whom it may concern,
               You dont know me. You dont know anything about me. You just know what you see on the surface, and what you've heard. You dont know me. I'm not who you think I am. I dont meet your assumptions. I exceed them. You think that because I dont talk much in a class, or try to be social with everyone that im shy, stuck up, or even a loner. That's not me. That's what you assumed. You never thought to get to know me. You never thought to even talk to me. You profiled me the moment you saw me. Never giving it a second thought. But you are so wrong.
              I am the loudest, outspoken person you will ever meet. I have opinions and advice for everything. I like to have fun, and get a little crazy... But you'd never know that. You'd never know that i have a story. That i too have my share of up's and down's. You'd never know because you never took the time to ask or even get to know me. You assumed and you judged.
            You assume that i have a disability because i cant look at you directly when i'm talking to you. Maybe i look away out of fear. Maybe There's a deeper meaning behind it. But you'd never know that because you assume.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ink My Whole Body

I'm literally itchin for ink. It's uncontainable how bady i am ready for this ink! SO more into this tattoo research... i have more photo's of interesting tattoo's. Keyword interesting.

It's that time...

OK. So as you all know it's that dreaded time of the year... when all the little boys and girls return back to school! For some it's just another year to them but to the class of 2012 this is THAT year. The last one. This is it! It's going to be a long year, but as I say that watch the year quickly pass me by. There are so many exciting events coming up as well, such as my birthday, homecoming *which has been moved up this year* getting my first tattoo, Prom, graduation... etc... It's just so much that about to happen and i couldn't be more excited. So class of 2012 are you ready?