I'm sure we've all heard it before... the classic break up line "It's not you, It's me." But what does it's not you it's me really mean? What's the real meaning behind that?
It's saying that the reason they're breaking up with you isn't because of anything you've done but because they have issues and feel that they can'tbe in a relationship with you anymore because of something that they've done. So don't take the break up personally. But honestly how many times has this line been said just to spare the feelings of the one your breaking up with? Too many times... It's the idea that maybe the break up will be easier if you blame it on yourself when in reality your breaking up with the other person because of whatever issues there are or were. And to the other person it's more of a selfish, rude and inconsiderate action. How can someone have the audacity to place the blame on themself and lie to your face rather than just telling you whatever the issue is and working out the problem. This line only proves how there's a lack of communication. Considering if the problem really was them, then there truthfully is a lack of communication because your significant other neglected to tell you about some of the problems they're going through, and rather than the two of ya'll working out the issues and problems they let it go unresolved and now because of that there's a potential break up.
"It's not you, It's me" well... If it's you, you might wanna be prepared with a good and legit reason as of to whats WRONG with you and why is it that whatever's wrong with you makes you feel the need to break it off. I've am a product of a unhappy relationship with two people that have had issues since the jump. No communication, and constant argueing and fighting. One thing i've learned is that you have to work it out and you have to talk about it, and how to fix it. I've also learned that if your not happy then you probably should'nt be in the relationship anyway. Because there's no point in being in a relationship when your not happy, because your misery will only make your significant other miserable to. So don't drag the both of you down. If' it's not meant to be let it go. Which is not saying give up. At least try to make it work before you throw in the towel. Relationships are meant to be endured and get stronger in time. Not something for the weak and mild hearted.
On another note: Relationships shouldn't be entered from the get go if your not absolutely certain that you can handle it. If you can't handle it, then dont do it. Don't enter a relationship just because your lonely, or you feel sorry, or any other crazy reason other than you have a strong connection, thats undeniable, and there's no one else you could or would rather be with. Do it for the right reasons...
With all that being said, i just abolished the whole "It's not you, It's me" Line. It's extinct and should be laid to rest in peace.
R.I.P "It's not you, It's me"
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