Lets be real. It's the summer. Everybody is trying to find somebody to kick it with to get in those last summer memories. Lets be honest we all are. But nobody is trying to catch feelings because at the end of the summer there is no high school to return too. There's college. Or not college. whichever way life decides to take us. Soooo whats the alternative? Friends with benefits. Yes, that sounds like a brilliant idea... until it becomes your reality and that reality gets too real...
Friends with benefits entails that you and a somewhat significant other, receive the benefits of being in a relationship without being in a relationship. In general this is done so that no one catches feelings and no one gets tied down. It's like having soneone so that you can make-out, kiss, or you kjnow whatever without actually being in a committed relationship. This probably sounds like the perfect and the most ideal situation but in reality... It generally doesn't end well. Because what usually happens is you begin getting attatched, and start catching feelings even though you both mutually agreed to not catch feelings. 9 times out of 10 it's the female that catches feelings. Then when the male in the situation doesn't return those same feelings guess who just got their feelings hurt? yeah. This is why this never works. Friends with benefits is basically like the set up. You either getting set up to be in a relationship or your getting set up to be broken down. One or the other. And that's the reality of the situation. I feel no need to feed you bull shit and lies about the situation. I would like to believe that somewhere out there this has actually worked for someone. That they have come out of this with no hurt feelings and no regrets and resentment towards each other. I would Love to believe that. But i just dont. And if someone says that they have i believe they're lying. The end. And this completes my lets be real.
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