Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things i've learned...

Feeling inspired I've devised a list of things from the experiences that I've learned in high school.Think of this as my Survival guide... For Rockdale at least.

1. In Literature spark notes is your best friend.
2. You should join a teams, or clubs.
3. It's not cheating it's comparing answers.
4. There's a difference between skipping and taking a mental health day.
5. Senior pranks can become felonies.
6. Evacuate the building if you smell gas... Of any kind.
7. Ripped Jeans= the stupidest dress code violation
8. Pinedale Bus= Worst bus at RCHS
9. It's not cool to ride the bus Senior year.
10. Go to lots of sports events. (games)
11. Take pictures of everything.
12. Keep all your valuables on your person at ALL times.
13. Keep your book bag in eye sight, or it will get "flipped"
14. Teachers are just like students. They like our music, partying, drinking, and getting tattoo's.
15. Never skip out on group outings
16. Go to your homecoming dance!!!!
17. If you don't like something, change it.
18. Guys are assholes.
19. Ben & Jerry's is the cure to heal any broken heart.
20. It's good to let it out and vent.
21. Never involve your friends in your relationships.
22. Facebook relationships DO NOT WORK!
23. IF you don't want for everyone to know your business, don't post it on facebook or twitter.
24. Don't come to class high.
25. Don't take a foreign exchange teachers class.
26. If you want to keep your phone, then you probably shouldn't text in class.
27. Put your phone on vibrate in class!
28. Eat before all standardized test.
29. Get to know your counselor. It'll come in handy.
30. High school is going to be some of the best years of your life so enjoy it.

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