Monday, November 26, 2012

In other news...

Thanksgiving break is over people! Back to the grind for a few more weeks then christmas break! *Silent cheer* But with that, that means that finals are coming up, so that means buckling down and getting to the work!
Now in other news...
For those of you who don't know i attend Valdosta State University. Recently (The week before last) we had a student Jasmine Benjamin pass away on campus. Now if your somebody like me, and you and death aint too fond of each other having someone die in a area where you have to sleep and go to class etc... isn't a happy thought. Because every time you walk past that building it's just like Oh yeah, somebody died there. Uhhhh... Not cool.
Now here's the story: So on saturday night there was a lot of drunk people hanging out in Georgia hall. I know because a few of my friends went to go laugh at the drunk kids in the lobby. I on the other hand stayed in Langdale and was kickin shit... as always. So i ended up back in my room before they came back at whatever time it was that they came back. The next day I get a text saying "Hey did you hear about the girl who died last night in Georgia?" Whaaaat? Of coarse my first reaction is "the fuck you mean?" And turns out a girl did die in Georgia. Soooo as expected the rumor got to work and started churning out all kinds of crazy ass rumors. There were rumors that she had a heart attack, and some rumors that she was so drunk that she choked on her own vomit and died. (which is a really sad ass way to die.) But nobody apparently knows for sure. They're all just rumors. Then my family being the nosy people that they are all start blowing up my phone asking me what happened like i was there or something and i'm just like "I don't know why are ya'll calling me?" They know as much as I do. But apparently over fall break her death was rulled as a homicide... meaning she was murdered. uh oh... A student was murdered on campus? Not a good look for VSU... That right there is going to cause parents to start pulling students from down here, and also is going to steer potential students in a different direction. Which i strongly advise anyways. But i personally have a eerie feeling about being on campus. It feels less safe and secure, and as much money as i spend on tuition I need to feel safe and secure here seeing as how i am stuck here. But on the real, It's really sad that she died, and if it is true that her death was a homicide then that is even more sad. I'm sure eventually there will be some kind of memorial dedicated to her on campus. And i am also sure that VSU is being super quiet with the details of the case to keep students, parents and potential students calm. I would honestly rather them to just tell us whats going on so that 1. we can put the rumor mill out of business and 2. We can give students and parents a piece of mind. My own mother called me saying that she heard that she was strangled. My mom is in Atlanta. How did she hear this? Where are these rumors coming from? If my mom who is four hours away is calling me about once every hour to check on me then we have a problem because she's concerned about my safety. I'm not too worried but obviously she is. Hence forth why somebody needs to let us know whats really going!
Anyways. Prayers go out to her family because I know that's got to be hard to deal with. And also prayers for all of us students that we stay safe here on campus.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

On this Journey...

Were all patiently awaiting that one day when that special someone will just walk into our lives... *or at least trying to wait patiently* But for some reason it seems like that day will never come. Especially when you're surrounded by guys who aren't looking for love, but quick infatuation to get the feeling they've been feigning from your preciousness... if you know what I mean. It seems as though that's all everyone wants is sex, no strings attached. No one wants relationships, No one wants love, of feelings, No one want's a real connection. Or at least from the female stand point no guy wants that. And then there are some that will disagree and say that they're looking to love, but they don't love as easily as we love... Which is honestly not a bad thing. It keeps them from getting hurt unlike us females who are so quick to be "in love." We always thinking that were "In love" with somebody when were not. Were just in some real strong infatuation... Strong enough to cause us to get caught up, catching feelings for someone that definitely doesn't return our same feelings. Unrequited love is the worst kind of love. It hurts, it's confusing, it leads you on, and taunts you in the worst way. But you have to let it go. Why waste time and effort on someone who doesn't remotely feel the same way as you. If you're going to put in work, put in work where you can see results. Which is not to say lower your standards, or go for people below you (Which there is nothing wrong with that) But it's basically to say don't waste your time.
Then when someone walks into your life, and they're good to you but you don't think they're the ones, give them the love they give you. Because they could turn out to be the one but you just don't realize it at the time being. People do change, and at first you can't really see them for who and what they are. It's sometimes difficult to see through a person and see them for who they are... The same way you can get to know someone so well you can finish their sentences, know their favorite foods, colors, spaces, and deepest darkest secrets you want to find someone who knows just as much about you. Someone that you can be completely honest with and share all your secrets with without holding back. You want not just a relationship but a friendship first. Someone that's your best friend. You need more than love, even though that may seem like it's all you want and will ever need, you need more than that. You need someone who genuinely cares about you, your health, your safety, and happiness. Someone that you have things in common with and can talk to about anything, and can enjoy each others company without jumping down each others throats. That's what you NEED, and what you SHOULD want, but i can't tell you what to need or want. That's on you to decide.
Many people have the "one" walk right into their lives but people let them walk back out, or even push them out because they're so shallow and have high standards that are just ridiculous. It's not always about the physical... Just because someone isn't the tallest, Handsomest, sexiest, buff-est, or play a sport doesn't make them any less of a good contender. The one you are meant to be with could be right in front of your face and you wouldn't know it because your too busy looking around whats in front of you to find something else.
Constantly i feel as though i'm preaching the same lesson over, and over again. Perhaps in hopes that eventually you all get the memo... Or maybe even that i'll get the memo.
We all want love, and we want it bad. With patience, eventually we'll all get the love we desire one day... We just have to wait and while were on this journey we have to take what were given and work with it...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pull out your notepads, time to take notes!

If i have never taught you all anything, I'm about to RIGHT NOW! Pull out your pens, paper, and pencils, whatever it is you may need because i'm about to give ya'll some very valuable information. Information that I could swear up and down i've given a couple of times before on this here blog, but for those of you who still haven't got the memo, let me repeat this message.

*caugh cough, clears throat*

When you develop feelings for a person, it's some serious shit... Most of the time. Sometimes we develop these crushes that we think we like a person until we start getting to know them and then we suddenly realize how much we don't, and how much it was based off of their physical appearance. For those of you who get past the physical appearance and genuinely like the person for who they are develop these strong feelings for them. Damn near close to love, but that's not the word to describe said situation. Now eventually can it turn into love? Definitely but, i'm not one to use the "L" word sooooo... lets just not go there. But technically love is a "Feeling" so... interpret that however. whatever.
Now that you've developed these strong feelings for this person you want nothing more than to be with them. You don't want to see anyone else with them, and you feel as though you two belong together. So lets say you two start dating, and then things happen, and you're not sure what but then you guys break up. *gasps* After the break up you're depressed and sad. You just don't know what to do with yourself and you find that you can't stop thinking about them, wondering if they think about you just as much, and you try to rid yourself of all those feelings you have, but guess what? Those feelings will NEVER go away. EVER. And that ladies and gentlemen is a FACT. Those feelings may go into hiding somewhere deep within but all it takes is to see them again, or the mention of their name that can easily reawaken all of those feelings and suddenly you're right back where you started. No bueno. But that's how it is. Feelings like that never go away, especially when you're in "Love." This probably sounds like the worst thing in the world... But it's not. There's things like cancer that's 10x worse. So suck it up, and man up. Is it possible to move on? Yes. Indefinitely. You can move on and date multiple guys. You can even completely forget about them. But like i said all it takes is something simple that can bring it all back.
Now if you're one of those people who after a period of time feel nothing at the mention of their name then you obviously didn't really feel that strongly about them, and you weren't in love, no matter how much you may try to convince yourself you were. Just face it. It wasn't meant to be. But somebody who at the mention of their name makes your stomach cringe, then you might have a serious case. Now am i saying run back to them begging and pleading for them to work things out? NO!!!!!!!! Do not do that!!!! I'm just saying that you really felt some type of way back then. That doesn't mean do a U-turn and go back. Just deal with it for what it is. Sometimes we fail to believe that we'll ever find someone else to love us and that that last person (or whoever) was the last option, but i promise you there are plenty more. There will be another, but who knows when that will be.... So there's going to be some lonely nights, and depressed days but you will get through it.
Just know that you're capable of feeling so strongly about a person. Ofcoarse there will always be a soft spot in your heart for that person, but you have to be smart about it... Just So that I clarify the lesson that was to be learned once you have feelings with someone, they don't go away. You just have to deal with it. The end.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Scary B*****s, Please take a seat.

I think we all can guess what this blog is about. Broads that ain't about that life but desperately try to be. C'mon people please get your life. Not together because that obviously will never happen. But get a life, and hold on to that one and let that be your life. Like Please go to the lost and found, and get a life. (credit to K.J. for that one) But seriously. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!
If you have a problem with somebody you have two options. You can 1. Deal with it and approach them about the problem which could be an adult argument or could turn into somebody getting they ass whooped. (Lets hope it's not you but if it is you then you should've went with option number 2.) #2. Shut the fuck up about whatever it is, and move the fuck on. Is number 2 a bitch move? Definitely, but for some people that's the move you need to save face. I'm just saying. If you not gone do anything about it but bitch about it, then just shut up, it's a waste of time... For everyone. Because nobody wants to hear you bitch all the time about the same thing. Especially when were giving you advice on how to deal with the situation which may be ("Beat her ass") but you don't do anything about it.
Now if you have a problem with someone and you're feeling bold enough to approach them but don't go through with it... FAIL. You can't step to someone then punk out. Plus you also need to know how to pick your battles. Some people you just shouldn't try because you know for a fact that you may not live to tell the tale. Like c'mon, be smart about it. But if you gone step don't try to be brave, and say some shit talking out the side of your neck. Especially if your voice gone be cracking and shaking because you're afraid like that's only going to make you look weak. SO don't try to approach someone with that shit. Like i said get your life, and rethink that shit, because that shit will not end well. Get it right.