Now in other news...
For those of you who don't know i attend Valdosta State University. Recently (The week before last) we had a student Jasmine Benjamin pass away on campus. Now if your somebody like me, and you and death aint too fond of each other having someone die in a area where you have to sleep and go to class etc... isn't a happy thought. Because every time you walk past that building it's just like Oh yeah, somebody died there. Uhhhh... Not cool.
Now here's the story: So on saturday night there was a lot of drunk people hanging out in Georgia hall. I know because a few of my friends went to go laugh at the drunk kids in the lobby. I on the other hand stayed in Langdale and was kickin shit... as always. So i ended up back in my room before they came back at whatever time it was that they came back. The next day I get a text saying "Hey did you hear about the girl who died last night in Georgia?" Whaaaat? Of coarse my first reaction is "the fuck you mean?" And turns out a girl did die in Georgia. Soooo as expected the rumor got to work and started churning out all kinds of crazy ass rumors. There were rumors that she had a heart attack, and some rumors that she was so drunk that she choked on her own vomit and died. (which is a really sad ass way to die.) But nobody apparently knows for sure. They're all just rumors. Then my family being the nosy people that they are all start blowing up my phone asking me what happened like i was there or something and i'm just like "I don't know why are ya'll calling me?" They know as much as I do. But apparently over fall break her death was rulled as a homicide... meaning she was murdered. uh oh... A student was murdered on campus? Not a good look for VSU... That right there is going to cause parents to start pulling students from down here, and also is going to steer potential students in a different direction. Which i strongly advise anyways. But i personally have a eerie feeling about being on campus. It feels less safe and secure, and as much money as i spend on tuition I need to feel safe and secure here seeing as how i am stuck here. But on the real, It's really sad that she died, and if it is true that her death was a homicide then that is even more sad. I'm sure eventually there will be some kind of memorial dedicated to her on campus. And i am also sure that VSU is being super quiet with the details of the case to keep students, parents and potential students calm. I would honestly rather them to just tell us whats going on so that 1. we can put the rumor mill out of business and 2. We can give students and parents a piece of mind. My own mother called me saying that she heard that she was strangled. My mom is in Atlanta. How did she hear this? Where are these rumors coming from? If my mom who is four hours away is calling me about once every hour to check on me then we have a problem because she's concerned about my safety. I'm not too worried but obviously she is. Hence forth why somebody needs to let us know whats really going!
Anyways. Prayers go out to her family because I know that's got to be hard to deal with. And also prayers for all of us students that we stay safe here on campus.