Saturday, November 17, 2012

On this Journey...

Were all patiently awaiting that one day when that special someone will just walk into our lives... *or at least trying to wait patiently* But for some reason it seems like that day will never come. Especially when you're surrounded by guys who aren't looking for love, but quick infatuation to get the feeling they've been feigning from your preciousness... if you know what I mean. It seems as though that's all everyone wants is sex, no strings attached. No one wants relationships, No one wants love, of feelings, No one want's a real connection. Or at least from the female stand point no guy wants that. And then there are some that will disagree and say that they're looking to love, but they don't love as easily as we love... Which is honestly not a bad thing. It keeps them from getting hurt unlike us females who are so quick to be "in love." We always thinking that were "In love" with somebody when were not. Were just in some real strong infatuation... Strong enough to cause us to get caught up, catching feelings for someone that definitely doesn't return our same feelings. Unrequited love is the worst kind of love. It hurts, it's confusing, it leads you on, and taunts you in the worst way. But you have to let it go. Why waste time and effort on someone who doesn't remotely feel the same way as you. If you're going to put in work, put in work where you can see results. Which is not to say lower your standards, or go for people below you (Which there is nothing wrong with that) But it's basically to say don't waste your time.
Then when someone walks into your life, and they're good to you but you don't think they're the ones, give them the love they give you. Because they could turn out to be the one but you just don't realize it at the time being. People do change, and at first you can't really see them for who and what they are. It's sometimes difficult to see through a person and see them for who they are... The same way you can get to know someone so well you can finish their sentences, know their favorite foods, colors, spaces, and deepest darkest secrets you want to find someone who knows just as much about you. Someone that you can be completely honest with and share all your secrets with without holding back. You want not just a relationship but a friendship first. Someone that's your best friend. You need more than love, even though that may seem like it's all you want and will ever need, you need more than that. You need someone who genuinely cares about you, your health, your safety, and happiness. Someone that you have things in common with and can talk to about anything, and can enjoy each others company without jumping down each others throats. That's what you NEED, and what you SHOULD want, but i can't tell you what to need or want. That's on you to decide.
Many people have the "one" walk right into their lives but people let them walk back out, or even push them out because they're so shallow and have high standards that are just ridiculous. It's not always about the physical... Just because someone isn't the tallest, Handsomest, sexiest, buff-est, or play a sport doesn't make them any less of a good contender. The one you are meant to be with could be right in front of your face and you wouldn't know it because your too busy looking around whats in front of you to find something else.
Constantly i feel as though i'm preaching the same lesson over, and over again. Perhaps in hopes that eventually you all get the memo... Or maybe even that i'll get the memo.
We all want love, and we want it bad. With patience, eventually we'll all get the love we desire one day... We just have to wait and while were on this journey we have to take what were given and work with it...

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