Wednesday, January 23, 2013

College is a Scam!

So it has been brought to my attention that apparently my blog is a relationship blog... Well thats funny seeing as how I thought it was more of a rant blog where I felt free to unleash these crazy tyrants but apparently its a relationship blog. Hmph. Go figure. lol. Anyways. The struggle. It's real. Too real for me. Like shit is forreal hard. And I wonder how did i get myself caught up in these situations. Here I am 19, no job, already $15,000 into debt, and attempting to transfer schools. Well guess what? If you thought the $15,000 was bad other schools are worse! And I'm poor! This is an outrage! Schools are robbing us! Especially for the bullshit education that we get. Honestly we pay all this money to say we know, the things we already knew. Actually we pay all this money for a piece of paper that says we "Officially" Know this stuff. *Rolls eyes* Ridiculous. Then you pay to live on campus because as a freshman it's "Required." Yeah, So they can make you live in a jail cell with a slob and rob you for more of your money. This whole college thing is overrated. All the partying and drinking you see in movies. It's not real. Don't believe it. The whole "I'm out of highschool ain't gone be no more drama." Child BOO! Thats a lie! There's twice as much drama, and now sex is involved. So i'm sure you can imagine the foolishness that goes on. But like I said, this whole college thing is OVERRATED! To the max, and I luckily caught on the the scam. So HAHA! But I can't drop out... So at the end of the day I guess they still win. Bastards...

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