Friday, April 29, 2011

Letters from me to you: "Time Wasted"

"I know that we've personally had our up's and our down's. I know that things havent always been great between us but when they were great they were AMAZING. The two of us have something because if we didnt we would just be done and move on. But we havent. were drawn to each other like magnets. Try to pull us apart and we'll still draw to each other. We cant let it go, and we wont move on and maybe that's because we werent meant to. As the saying goes " If you love them let them go, if they come back you have them for life" we have tested this theory to no end. How many times have we said that we were done with the other? but yet here you are and here I am.
I'm tired of contemplating what we could be, because I know that we could be something crazy great for the both of us. But yet were not living up to our potential and it kills me to know that. And yet everytime we get close we push each other away and act as though the other dont exist but.... i cant anymore. i see  your pictures, or the mention of your name and my heart drops and stops beating. Only the mention of your name, and you can stop my heart. imagine what you do whenever you are around and your touching me... Im officially on another planet at that point.... And i love that feeling. I want that feeling, i feen for that feeling, I need that feeling. Because it's become something like a drug... I love the feeling but it eventually wears off and i need more! I need more of you! SO much more. I want for you to be there in the way that i want you to be there. Have my back and i'll have yours. Uplift me when im down, love me unconditionally, tell me im beautiful even on days when i look like shit. I want you to be so much more. And i care so much about you that i only want to see you happy. Even if that isnt with me. Your happiness is always a priority. I just feel that we could be happy together. Sometimes i feel like i've found the one, and your that one.
Sometimes i even feel like your the one thats meant to be the one. The one and only, the number one, the first. I want for it to be you soooooo bad. I want for you to have that one thing thats so sacred and special, but then i dont want to give it away and regret it. Because once it's gone you cant get it back. And im not ready to pay for mistakes, or deal with consequences... And neither are you. But those are the choices we make. I think about you so much it's as though you live inside of my mind. Wondering where you are, what your doing who your with... Wondering if you thing of me like i think about you... probally not.
I think to myself that we've wasted so much time... if only we could get it back. But one day with you is better than no days at all. I'd rather live a life time knowing that one happiness than knowing none at all. Maybe we should stop wasting time... maybe we should do all the things we've wanted to do... In the library, behind a vending machine, behind a bus... everything before it's too late. Because i cant bear to loose you knowing that i could never see you again and not have memories to sustain me through my days... I feel that one day God will bring you back to me should we have to part... Because I feel that you serve a more meaningful pupose in my life than i or you know.
Time is ticking... it wont ever stop... waste no more time..."

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The R E A L E S T shit to ever be discussed on a Tuesday Night

So tonight i had a convo with a friend, and i felt like we said some real shit that other people need to know.
Soooo ofcoarse this happens to be about guys... and yet again the dumb shit they do, as well as stupid shit we as females do to. So Before i begin, dont take my shit seriously, and forgive me for my language. (i been keeping it Rated G for yall but tonight i gotta take it to Rated R) *Fair Warning*
So moving right on along here....
Tonight we came to the conclusion that there is no 100% way to get over a guy. It just isnt happening. You can say that your over them but in reality you know your not. We try to convince ourselves that we are by lying to ourselves and everyone around us when we know it's a lie. There's no point in lying. If your not over them dont lie about it. Be upfront and serious about it. Help yourself out by saying it out loud. "Im not over (Insert name) and it's ok!" Because watch you have one friend that kinda likes him and the moment you "say" your over such and such watch them take the shot at the one that you still have feelings for. Then for you to have to watch the two of them is twice a painful! You might as well just stab yourself in the chest at that point!
Then Guys... it's like you lead them on and they never get the memo! its like "DAMN how many hints i gotta drop for you to get the memo?" well... you might as well stop dropping hints because he'll never get it. Guys are just to simplistic. You have to be upfront and honest with them, because it'll be a lifetime before they figure it out. So yeah you drop hints, but dont expect him to get it, and when he doesnt dont get mad because that's just how it is. So if you should ever like a guy please for your sake tell him. Some guys admire that bravery and boldness in a girl.
Then as girls we know what we want in a guy, we know how we want them to dress, act, and say, well that perfect guy DOES NOT EXIST! not in this world or the next so just let that image go. We expect to much from them... We want them to be the perfect boy friend and even THE boyfriend. but some of them are afraid of commitment, afraid to be tied down to one girl because they know they'll mess it up and dont even want to get involved some just want to be flirts and free to flirt and fuck whoever they want no strings attached. Now there are some girls that are like that to.
But when they fall short of our expectations we are so quick to be angered and upset and throw them to the curve! We cant, we have to be understanding of each other. And be forgiving.
Sometimes we are so angered by our feelings we cant control our emotions. we cry we get mad... it's unexplainable... Because we love with our all. We give too much of ourselves to someone else and dont even get half of that in return. we need for someone to just be there! BE THERE! thats all we want just be there for us! When were happy when were sad just be there! and dont abandon us when times get hard.
That is the realest shit i ever talked about on a tuesday night.
R E A L N I G G A S H I T!

Youtube moment of the day: Bite it off

This video was shown to me today by a friend and im just not even gonna lie... this guy is crazy!!!!!!! lmfao. i really love how he say's "Pay-nis" rather than penis. lmfao. funny as shit. and it was messed up because she showed it to me in class and i was trying my hardest not to laugh... He talk so fast! So you have to listen but i guess if you ever get rapped.... BITE IT OFF! lol

Who Run the world?

Beyonce is Back! but it's not what we were expecting.... 
Beyonce's new single Who run the world (Girls) is in my opinion lacking... Like as we all know we expected Bey to come back with something stoopid amazing since she fired her Padre as her manager... I figured she would come with new "new" music... well she came with something COMPLETLY new and i solute her on that but it just isnt what i was expecting at all. I personally feel that the lyrics are simplistic, and she's not really singing on this track, it's more like she's talking than singing... But im sure after the radio blasting this over the next few weeks i'll have it stuck in my head and boom it on my ipod... but until then... so if you havent heard it Listen!

So in the mean time be on the look out for the actual music video in the near future.

Monday, April 25, 2011

We Love: Miguel

Im sure alot of you have heard the Song "sure thing" by new comer Miguel...
i really love the lyrics to the song... Like he's saying that she can be the other half of him, but he's  using examples of how she could complete him:
"If you'd be the cash i would be the rubber band"
"You'd be the match I would be your fuse, BOOM"
Like you cant have one without the other... You need the other half to complete it. So It's got a lil meaning behind it... Which i love... Lol.
Miguel came into the Game with his debut song "All I want is you" Feat J.Cole. I personally loved the song. The first time i heard it i had it on repeat v.i.a. Youtube... *technical dificulties with the ipod* sooo He was good in my book, and now he came with sure thing. I personally havent had the time to listen to his whole album which im sure is good, so someone should listen to it and let me know how it really is. lol. Anyways we Love him! He's good in our books. Or at least in mine any how...

National Tragedy!

Im Just gone let yall Know that this is a real F'd up pic. Just killed the child hood joy of easter. COMPLETLY!!! See this some bull shit! Some body done ran over the damn Easter bunny! That's why i aint get my easter basket! BASTARDS!!! whoever did this is dead ass wrong!!!!!! lmfaooooo!

Monday Morning: Almost there!

We'll... Its almost over! It's almost time for summer to roll around again! and idk about you all but im ready! But before we can jump into summer fun we have to make it through these last few weeks of schools...
These next few weeks are Literally going to be a "test" Ap testing begins next week, (the first week of April) then the next 2 weeks are Ap Testing and EOCT's. Then the week after that is Finals. *Kill me now* multiple test everyweek until the last day. But in the end once it's all over, it's literally OVER! Amen! I am in desperate need of a break! But anyways... Happy *belated* Easter! I hope everyone had a great easter, spent lots of time with your family, and ate lots of good food! I Know i did. So Lets get to it! Happy Monday!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lock it up and throw away the key

Padlock your heart. Build a solid wall. Never letting anyone in. Fear. Fear of being hurt, more than you already have been, and if you've never been hurt that undying fear of being hurt for the first time. It's a hurt, thats deeper than your skin. It's a hurt that has no cure. You wonder. How can one person, one mere, insignificant person hurt me, all the way deep within my heart? They can do that. They can hit you where it hurts worst. Right in your heart. With friends you trust them. You tell them everything, in hopes for secrecy and a outlet to express yourself. But instead your stabbed in the back, your secrets now public news. Your so called "friends" talk about you behind your back, with no regrets at all. How could they do such a thing? Not to be blunt but, basically like that. But with Guys, it's 10 times worse. They hurt you so bad that you think that you may never recover. Depression sinks in and you spend days crying not understanding why, or even what happend. Guys are smooth and slick they know exactly what they're doing. The Sweet talk you, telling you what you want to hear. "I Love You" being the most used one. They throw that one at you like a bomb and your instantly "in Love." Now you've got your heart involved and you feel for him. Should you ever give him what he "wants" the game is basically over. He's gotten what he wants and he's done with you. Or if you dont he realizes he cant get it and moves on to the next broad thats easier.
"He said he loved me" well... HE LIED. point blank period. They say theese things and wriggle their way up into our hearts where we glady give them space to occupy only to be hurt.
Being hurt... it's something that no one wants but it happens, its a part of life. It's like if you dont ever get hurt you'll never know how to get over it, and how to move on.
Im one that once i've been hurt i shut down. I'm on Lockdown. That's it. No one gets in, but everyone has to get out. I dont want to associate with anyone, i want to be ALONE. I mean most people whenever somethings going on you just need time to yourself to get your thoughts together and recooperate from the situation. Well, when i take time, i take all the time i need, and re-evaluate some of the people in my life, because some people just done deserve to be in my life, or even need to be in my life. No one needs some one thats bringing hell into their life there. thats a fact.
So basically my point is that after being hurt some of us have a tendancy to shut down and lock our hearts. Lock it up, and throw away the key, in hopes maybe the one who finds it wont hurt you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Youtube moment(s) of the day

ok... so just check it out. their funny. he's crazy. i laughed. end of comversation. lmao.

1. "Gimme the But Cheeks!"

2. "Whats the experation date on yo p****
3."Blood Blood"

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I do this too!

This video is so funny to me... only because i drive like this... like thats exactly how it is when i drive.... ask lolla. lmao! so when you see me on the road... MOVE!

Youtube moment: Why would you slap me?

Idk how real this is or if it actually happened but..... lol... like 1. why he so slow? 2. Why tf would you try to get it in with a midget... 3.He just needa stop... lmfao...
He dead wrong.

Monday, April 18, 2011

check out the new songs of this week!!!!

My Motivation...

Sometimes you wake up in the morning, and you just feel like you not gone make it through the day and you just oh soooo tired. Well next time you feel that way i want for you to play this song and see if you not motivated to get out the bed... and whoop a nigga ass!

Cuff, Smash or pass?

So... i had to d-bow this from my girl ("lolla") who created a he could get it list. well... i had to make one of my own... how could i not???
So these our the top 10 guys that could "Get it"

10. Russel Brand
Idk about you ladies, but im a sucker for a accent... and he definantly has one. The Brit is a comedian now married to Katy Perry... but hey... what she dont know wont hurt...

  9. Bruno Mars!!!!!
Anybody will gladly tell you i have a thing for this guy. I loooooove him!!! HE CAN GET IT! *just imagine he could sing you out your panties!*

8. Chris "Drama" Pfaff
This dude right here... some of you may not know he is, well now you do. He stars on the show Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy factory, (mtv on monday nights) sooo... this guy he looks like your average tatted up skate boarder but he's not. he's got a little "extra" but this guy right here.... *let me stop now*

7. Bow wow
As a child i was in love with him... still am... you just dont know my undying love for this guy! Bow has been sexy for forever and two days... he can get it. right now. right here. it will gladly go down... all the way.

6. Tyga!!!
Young money's youngin... Lightskin, tatted up, oh yeah.. he can get. he a lil scrawny but not even I could deny the boy his spot... Tyga, slick lyricist, bad ass... And you know the boy got his "A" game...

5. Drake
"Drizzy" one of the best rappers of our time! The boy got skills in the studio, and outside! Drake's deep baratone voice is enough for me. but he kinda has a goofy looking face but it works for him... so hey... He can get it.

4. Terrance J
You can watch yah boy on weekdays on 106&park hosting the countdown or on reruns of The game. Terrance is like my daily delight! You gotta love this man! *notice i said man* In case you missed those couple of scenes from The game this season with him showing off his goods you really missed out!!! This man right here could get it whenever & where ever he wanted it!!! love him!

3. Chris Brown
Some may say woman beater, i'd like to call him a P***y beater. You know his stroke game on point! All of this "abuse" is really just agression and some of yall know you like it rough. Im just saying...
2. Lance Gross
Super, Sexy, Chocolate! And im a chocoholic! Omg!!!!!! Sexy does not give him proper credit.... i mean what words could truly describe him???? my Gawd... BTW he plays on Tyler Perry's House of payne on TBS *comes on on wednesdays*

whose coming for that number one spot???
Lets see.. could it be Justin Beiber? Will Smith? or maybe even Robert Patinson? or what about Channing Tatum?
Nope! the number one spot goes to the one and only....

1!!!! The one, The only, The true teen heart throb,
im not some twilight obsessed Teen, but Taylor Lautner makes me want to be. Taylor Lautner could honestly look at me and i would probally have a baby. *im just saying* it's like you just got (excuse my language) *Mind Fucked* yeah... he could probally do that. My Gawd!!!!! I LOVE TAYLOR LAUTNER! that is one sexy, sexy, sexy, beyond sexy, words cant describe, i want to jump his bones right now, MAN!

*Notice: i love a man in a suit* HE can get it! 


Friday, April 15, 2011

THAT feeling...

"Dieing for the touch, That tingling wonderful sensation that travels through you whole body whenever you touch. Trying to fight back the urge, and desire, but it's a fight your loosing fast... too fast for your own good. You want each other more than you've ever wanted anyone or thing before, and in more ways than one. But you know that for what you want there are consequences, none that you are ready to pay for, but you contemplate them anyways. What if? you ask yourself. You find yourself fantasizing and day dreaming in classes where you know you should be paying attention but you just cant keep your mind off of them. Be my first. But will you be my only? Can i handle it if things change? Can i? Can you? Can we? We... you like how that sounds... more than one... two. Two together. Isnt that what you've waited on your whole life? To finally find another? your other half that completes you? But is this the one? So many questions... you easily become frustrated... unsure of what to do anymore... Decisions... "

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Youtube moment: Flexing those Milkshakes!

O.k. So i am so sad to say that what you are about to see took place last year at herritage during the math final. Yes, i do personally know this *flexer* and it's sad because i do but it may be amusing to some soooo.. enjoy these tasty "milkshakes" i guess? whatever... Just watch it.
Random Thoughts before you watch:
1. I love the dread head hair flip at the begining
2. Why is he wearing shades?
3. Why didnt anyone else see him?
4. Why is he dancing during the math Final? ( i guess he A. had to get hype before the test or B. Finished and he was hype cus he just beasted that shit.)

Beautiful People

Check it out! Chris Brown's New video for "beautiful People" off his new album F.A.M.E. (Please go LEGALLY cop that if you haven't and  support yah boi!)
SN: i love that there are alot of celebs in this video which shows that alot of people support him throughout the drama. and i looooooove the one part where the guy in the cheetah print whatever you want to call it gets to a cross walk, gets off his scooter, breaks it down, hits the button, gets back up then other homeboy breaks it down, hits the button and gets back up. <--- i like alot!
Next question: who still rides scooters? and WTF is T-pain doing? (yes that is T-pain in they YMCMB hoodie)

Just Imagine

Just imagine... One day we'll all be adults, married, with children living our lives that we are all so desperate to obtain. Now Scratch everything you just invisioned. Imagine what you least want for your life to be like. Whatever you just invisioned is more than likely how things will turn out. The place you'd least want to be with the people you'd never thought you'd be surrounded by. (i hope you didnt imagine your worse case scenario in a cardboard box, with a homeless man)
Seriously though, that's how it usually goes. You usually end up with the person you least expect. The one guy you could never see yourself with is the one you'll be with. *story time!* *Names have been changed for privacy reasons*

Lorraine and Terrance were once dating. Terrance had a best friend, Ricky. Whenever Lorraine and Terrance would go somewhere Ricky would come along. He was always the 3rd wheel. Lorraine began to dislike Ricky because she could never get a moment alone with Terrance. Many times when Terrance, Lorraine and Ricky went out they would get into disputes at the table causing a scene. *the rest of the story is kind of a blurr* but these are the facts. One night Lorraine was on the phone with Terrance who promised to go straight home, somehow on his way home he got into a accident and sadly passed away. At some point after Terrances death Lorraine and Ricky began to date. A few years later they had a baby girl. The End.
*this story is actually cut off to spare all of the people who have a "they lived happily ever after" image in their heads.*
Now the moral of the story is Lorraine ended up with who she least expected. So who's to say that wont happen to any of us? Perhaps the one we least likely expect is the one we were meant to be with all along and we just never knew it?

 Other Examples of such...
1. Secret life of the American Teenager- Ben and Adrianne. The last two anyone ever thought would get together
2.Pretty Little Liars- Spencer and Toby- Little miss acuser, and mr. "i didnt do it" seriously? No one expected that!
3. last but not least. My BIG (female dog) Nike, and a little white chiuahauh *spell check* nobody on God's Green earth would ever expect such!
So as you can see you never know who it is your meant to be with. And maybe that's the hope some of us need to Remind ourselves of from time to time.

Check it out!

Looking for a little inspiration to redecorate? Something new, fresh, and maybe even a little bit crazy? well check out these pics of some homes that are crazy!

theres more to come!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let me tell you something

Life. It's hard. And no one ever said it would be easy... In Fact no one said anything. You were brought into this world with no fair warning of the obstacles before you. No one ever asked you if you wanted to be born, you just were. You took life and ran with it, now here you are.
Teenager- it's the most difficult phase in life. Your not sure who you are, where you want to be, and your surrounded by people your not sure belong or not.
Being a teenager isnt as easy as it used to be. Parents always complain that it's not that hard, but times are different and it's not as easy to make friends and fit in these days, let alone keep them. Isnt that what everyone wants? To fit in and have good friends? Not as easy as it sounds.
In today's society if you dont look the part, dress the part and talk the part you are automatically an outcast. Then what makes it worse is that the outcast are divided into cliques. If you dont somehow fit into a clique you are now and officially a loner.
See what i mean? it's not easy, and thats just the Social aspect of being a teenager.
Lets not forget that there's school, and your home life.
School ofcoarse is overbearing. They give out work and load it on as though there class was the only one you take when in reality you have 7 other classes plus extra curricular activities. Now imagine. It's been a rough day at school, you have homework on overdose, you just got out of practice and it's now 8:30. You get home to have your mom fuss at you about not doing your chores.    uhhh... Hello! we are not super heroes! We dont have super speed, or super strength! were just regular human beings!
Thats just the lucky kids home life. Some kids come home to parents in school, with multiple siblings, or maybe not even their parents. Some kids live with their grandparents and even foster parents. Life isnt easy.
Were just trying to find the peace in this life, and if we cant find we'll make it. This is a reason why many of us turn to drugs, alcohol, cutting ourselves (depression) i've first hand witnessed a friend pull out a blade and cut herself because she was feeling bad about herself. I personally have never gotten that low that i wanted to hurt myself but some do. Numbing the emotions really.
Those of us that live in a household where it's twice as hard as everybody else really have the hard time. This Economic crisis has really started effecting everyone. And times are hard on everybody. Surviving off of Ramen Noodles, and sandwhich's. Some of us have it hard because we have parents that are irresponsible, divorced, or on the verge of it. yeah. it's hard. And do we ever catch a break? NO! there is no such thing as a break. You just gotta take it and run with it like you did life. You cant help the cards that are dealt to you but you can play em' to your advantage. 


"Tat Tat Tat Tat it up!"
Check out these Tat's!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Morning

Alright everybody, Spring Break is officially over and it's back to school we go!
The count down is on! 5 weeks of school left then it's SUMMER!
Im sure everyone struggled to get out of bed this morning with it being the monday right after spring break. I was a tad resentful to go back, but we gotta do what we gotta do...

Saturday, April 9, 2011


"soooooo... will you go to prom with me?"
Well as we all know... it's that time of the year... The pollen has come out, bee's are buzing, flowers are blooming., and the weather's heating up. Yep, it's definantly time for prom!
I'm sure everyones super excited about prom. Especially the seniors. Although there are those of us that arent so excited. For some of us, Prom is just too expensive, for some it's the best night of their lives, and for some that's the night they were conceived. *lets just keep it real* I'm sure alot of you have doubts as of to why you should even consider going to prom, and then there are those that cant even fathom a reason as of to why you would not got. lol.
Common Questions about prom....
  • Do i need a date to go?
  • Does everyone have sex after prom?
  • Will i be completly lame if i dont dance?
  • What if no one ask me to dance at prom?
  • Should i  bring condoms?
  • What do i wear?
  • should i buy a crossage?
  • What if i cant afford it?

Luckily for EVERYONE i have the answers to these questions!!!!!!
1. Do i need a date to go?
- No! you definantly do not need a date to go to prom! go with a group of your friends or go alone! Nobody really cares who you come with! Just as long as  you come!
2. Does everyone have sex after prom?
-NO! Everyone does not have sex after prom! Some do... but thats because their irresponsible. Some kids go to afterparties, or go get food, and some just go home!
3.Will i be completly lame if i dont dance?
-YES! Get your a** on the floor! even if you cant dance Bust a move! You dont wanna look back thinking "i love this song! but i wish i hada danced to it at prom" just think how much more you'll love it when you thing about prom!
4. What if no one ask me to dance?
- If no one should ask you to dance, Get Bold and ask someone! Some guys appreciate that streak of courage in a girl! And Guys dont be afraid to ask her to dance!
5.Should I bring Condoms?
- well yea if you have *extra curicular activities* going on after prom, or even thing you might because you dont want to end up in the situation without one, you'll only be in a bigger situation!
6.What do i wear?
- a dress ofcoars! get Snazy! Guys- nice tux, suit, dress pants you know...
7. Should i Buy a crossage?
- Honestly, You can buy one and be a "sweetie" but if your on a budget you dont necessarily have to buy one. But the only way to be on your date's safe side is to call her up and ASK! (also because you dont wanna get her one and it clash with her dress!)
8. What if i cant afford it?
- There is so many ways to cut prices!
  • carpool!
  • rent a dress
  • do your own hair/mani pedi!
  • buy a used dress, and make it your own! shorten it, embellish it etc
  • eat somewhere affordable before or after prom (Even if it's at home!)
So i hope that Everyone Has a great prom! Be SAFE!!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Living Single

"in a 90's kinda world im glad i got my girls" well.sometimes your girls arent enough in this day and age. I mean yeah they are always good to have for a night out, to help you out in a dilema, and ofcoarse to pick you up off your face when there's guy trouble. But ofcoarse there isnt much need for any face picking up if your not falling, and how can anyone fall when good guys to fall over are completly EXTINCT?
Do you find yourself steady trying to compete with that one girl that just seems to have all the guys drooling over her? Did you ever thing that they're not drooling over her, but what she's giving away?
Do you constantly ask yourself what does she have that I dont? Or maybe im cuter than her, or skinnier than her, but yet she has a boyfriend. If so Join the Club. It's called #teamsingle. Where we embrace the fact that were single and dont care. (in theory, but we really do)
Being single is like a punishment. It's like now it defines who you are. It's like oh your that girl that cant get a guy. Or the girl that cant pull. Or the self doubter "im so ugly, and nobody wants me, maybe if i loose 100 pounds and grow a butt...) no boo. 100 pounds less and a slightly bigger booty is not gone change who you are. If whoever it is that you may be "talking" to doesnt like you for who you are and the way you are then they clearly arent worth your time. *ok getting off topic here*
So your single. You know. The guys know it. Everyone around you knows it. But is it really necessary to be reminded of that every where you go? Theme parks * i went to six flags today and there were couples every where holding hands and cuddling in line* magazines, tv shows, movies* there is always 500 couples at the movies waiting for the lights to dim so they can get their make out on* and now even the grocery store.

Yes even in the grocery store the try to acomidate to those of us livng the single life. Honestly it's depressing and they wonder why single people are so depressed all the time. Because Society is constantly reminding us that we are alone. That there is no one else in the world to love us. That we will die alone, and lead a life with no one to take part in it. Yes America. Thank you oh so much.
But i am a strong believer that God Makes everything in pairs of 2's. Notice for adam he made eve. For every male animal he made a female. No one was meant to be alone, but some of us are. I thing that one day there will be someone that is worthy of me spending the rest of my life with. But as of right now, there is NO ONE worthy of that. NO One. Sooooo what do you do? You enjoy the single life. And be happy with it. And you dont jump ship for the first guy that even slightly likes you because it's gone end in heart break and tragedy. CAN I GET A AMEN?!?! 
But back to my point here. Living single is not all bad. Surround yourself with people *guys and girls* that make your life worth it!

Here's the song of the day to motivate your "single-ness"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Katt Williams Tried to tell em'

Ok so i recently posted about Rob Dyrdek and his "Tiger Attack" well. now that i think about it didnt Katt williams warn us about tiger attacks before? yes. Yes he did. lol. i quote "If you raise your child to be dumb enough to climb into a tiger cage you need to tell the m the rest of the story "well baby then the tiger eat your ass hole out the end"" lmfao.

Tiger Attack!

"Yeah, come back later on this week, i might get attacked by a tiger." what person in their right mind wants to get attacked by a tiger??? The ONE and ONLY Rob Dyrdek. -___-

I was watching this weeks episode of Fantasy Factory to find out that Big Black will be back this season! *Horray!* This adition to the cast should boost ratings Significantly! Because i Know ill be watching. *only because its stupid, and i love, love, love, love Drama* Love him!

Anyways... The episode started with Rob bying a $15,000 box to protect him from the Tiger. $15,000??? Are you kidding me??? I could buy a car with that! but if you got money like that why not? Moving on along. So They went to what looks like the Desert of L.A. to me and did the tiger attack thing whch was basically Rob, Big Black, Drama, Big Cat, and Chanelle in a box while the tiger jumped on the box. Then Rob got out of the box and got his ass pulverised *if thats even a word* by the tiger. lmfao. well... all ima say is DAAAAAAAAMN! lol.

See what im saying watch this nonsense! (this is only the preview of the episode. as you can see Justin Boober also paid a visit to the fantasy Factory too.)


"WALE! WALE! WALE!" The not so "new" newcomer. Wale has really been "killing em' lately *see what i did there?* yeah. My first time hearing Wale was 106&park seeing the video of him and Lady GaGa "lookin at me" I was a bit skeptical, because he was coming with something different. But like all new things they take time to adjust to. And like a sick addiction Wale grew on me. You'll never catch my iPod lacking this guy now! check him out! Wale isnt your average rapper. He's a MC who truly evaluates, and put heart into his lyrics.

The Break-up Song

The MC

Adored... Chp. 1-3

im currently reading a novel "Adored" by Tilly Bagshawe thanks to my fellow blogger "lolla's palloza" and so far its quite... interesting.
So the novel begins with a prologue. Our main character (I assume) Siena is in the office of her school about to be expelled for being caught smoking marijuana. aka weed. Siena purposely was caught to be expelled but despite her efforts her plan falls through and she's not expelled.
(now here's where things get confusing)
The prologue takes place in '98 but then it flashbacks to '75 to her grandfather Duke McMahon. The next two chapters consist of these events:
-Duke working out, and flashing the gardeners and workers outside
- Learning that duke now has a "mistress"
- he has cheated on his wife countless times
-He declared that his mistress Caroline will come to live with them
- Dukes wife Minnie prepares this extravagant welcoming dinner for her only to be insulted by Caroline
- that night Caroline and duke .... ( figure it out)
The next chapter is background information on Caroline. Basically she's a gold digger from london. whose family long ago ran out of money.

*My take on this whole thing is what woman in her righ mind would allow such nonsense???? There is no way in hell i would ever let my husband cheat on me let alone tell me that his "mistress" was going to come and live in our home so that you can conviently fuck her whenever you liked. The only female my husband ought to be ***ing should be me. This would never have happened if it were me. I would not have even allowed my husband to continue with such after his first infedility. If it were me and he said that his mistress was moving in I would have smiled politely noded and said "ok sweetie" I would have prepared the dinner like he wanted, but made sure i slipped something in BOTH of their drinks. Dont ever underestimate a woman because you have no clue of what she's capaple of!* 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Sorry Guys But Monday Mornings & Friday Nights is under going serious Construction! so check back soon!

This is muah

Forgive me, this is my very FIRST blog. im SUPER EXCITED for all the great things to come! stay tuned.