"soooooo... will you go to prom with me?"
Well as we all know... it's that time of the year... The pollen has come out, bee's are buzing, flowers are blooming., and the weather's heating up. Yep, it's definantly time for prom! I'm sure everyones super excited about prom. Especially the seniors. Although there are those of us that arent so excited. For some of us, Prom is just too expensive, for some it's the best night of their lives, and for some that's the night they were conceived. *lets just keep it real* I'm sure alot of you have doubts as of to why you should even consider going to prom, and then there are those that cant even fathom a reason as of to why you would not got. lol.
Common Questions about prom....
- Do i need a date to go?
- Does everyone have sex after prom?
- Will i be completly lame if i dont dance?
- What if no one ask me to dance at prom?
- Should i bring condoms?
- What do i wear?
- should i buy a crossage?
- What if i cant afford it?
Luckily for EVERYONE i have the answers to these questions!!!!!!
1. Do i need a date to go?
- No! you definantly do not need a date to go to prom! go with a group of your friends or go alone! Nobody really cares who you come with! Just as long as you come!
2. Does everyone have sex after prom?
-NO! Everyone does not have sex after prom! Some do... but thats because their irresponsible. Some kids go to afterparties, or go get food, and some just go home!
3.Will i be completly lame if i dont dance?
-YES! Get your a** on the floor! even if you cant dance Bust a move! You dont wanna look back thinking "i love this song! but i wish i hada danced to it at prom" just think how much more you'll love it when you thing about prom!
4. What if no one ask me to dance?
- If no one should ask you to dance, Get Bold and ask someone! Some guys appreciate that streak of courage in a girl! And Guys dont be afraid to ask her to dance!
5.Should I bring Condoms?
- well yea if you have *extra curicular activities* going on after prom, or even thing you might because you dont want to end up in the situation without one, you'll only be in a bigger situation!
6.What do i wear?
- a dress ofcoars! get Snazy! Guys- nice tux, suit, dress pants you know...
7. Should i Buy a crossage?
- Honestly, You can buy one and be a "sweetie" but if your on a budget you dont necessarily have to buy one. But the only way to be on your date's safe side is to call her up and ASK! (also because you dont wanna get her one and it clash with her dress!)
8. What if i cant afford it?
- There is so many ways to cut prices!
- carpool!
- rent a dress
- do your own hair/mani pedi!
- buy a used dress, and make it your own! shorten it, embellish it etc
- eat somewhere affordable before or after prom (Even if it's at home!)
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