Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Just Imagine

Just imagine... One day we'll all be adults, married, with children living our lives that we are all so desperate to obtain. Now Scratch everything you just invisioned. Imagine what you least want for your life to be like. Whatever you just invisioned is more than likely how things will turn out. The place you'd least want to be with the people you'd never thought you'd be surrounded by. (i hope you didnt imagine your worse case scenario in a cardboard box, with a homeless man)
Seriously though, that's how it usually goes. You usually end up with the person you least expect. The one guy you could never see yourself with is the one you'll be with. *story time!* *Names have been changed for privacy reasons*

Lorraine and Terrance were once dating. Terrance had a best friend, Ricky. Whenever Lorraine and Terrance would go somewhere Ricky would come along. He was always the 3rd wheel. Lorraine began to dislike Ricky because she could never get a moment alone with Terrance. Many times when Terrance, Lorraine and Ricky went out they would get into disputes at the table causing a scene. *the rest of the story is kind of a blurr* but these are the facts. One night Lorraine was on the phone with Terrance who promised to go straight home, somehow on his way home he got into a accident and sadly passed away. At some point after Terrances death Lorraine and Ricky began to date. A few years later they had a baby girl. The End.
*this story is actually cut off to spare all of the people who have a "they lived happily ever after" image in their heads.*
Now the moral of the story is Lorraine ended up with who she least expected. So who's to say that wont happen to any of us? Perhaps the one we least likely expect is the one we were meant to be with all along and we just never knew it?

 Other Examples of such...
1. Secret life of the American Teenager- Ben and Adrianne. The last two anyone ever thought would get together
2.Pretty Little Liars- Spencer and Toby- Little miss acuser, and mr. "i didnt do it" seriously? No one expected that!
3. last but not least. My BIG (female dog) Nike, and a little white chiuahauh *spell check* nobody on God's Green earth would ever expect such!
So as you can see you never know who it is your meant to be with. And maybe that's the hope some of us need to Remind ourselves of from time to time.

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